Konica Minolta Named to Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for Five Consecutive Years
Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for five years in a row in recognition of its economic, environmental and social performance.

This year, Konica Minolta received a high score in materiality, a new assessment category added to the economic dimension, and for the third consecutive year earned the highest evaluation in the Computers & Peripherals and Office Electronics sector of the environmental dimension, which includes climate strategy, environmental policy, management system and information disclosure.
CSR activities at Konica Minolta
1. Reevaluation of materiality to identify six priority issues
Last year, Konica Minolta reevaluated materiality and identified the following six issues that needed to be addressed and given priority in its CSR activities:
- Environment
- Social innovation
- Customer satisfaction and product safety
- Responsible supply chain
- Human capital
- Diversity
In identifying materiality issues, Konica Minolta conducted quantitative evaluation of its corporate activities from two perspectives; namely, “materiality to stakeholders” and “materiality to the company’s business,” while asking outside experts for their opinions in order to incorporate objectivity into its decisions. These were then validated by the newly established CSR Executive Meeting, whose main members are executive officers.
2. Environmental efforts under the Medium-Term Environmental Plan
In 2009, Konica Minolta was among the first companies to formulate a long-term environmental plan called Eco Vision 2050, with a goal to reduce CO2 emissions through a product’s lifecycle by 80% by 2050 compared to fiscal 2005 levels. To achieve this goal, the company is promoting the Medium-Term Environmental Plan 2016, along with the Medium-Term Business Plan, on a worldwide basis.
In implementing the Medium-Term Environmental Plan 2016, Konica Minolta aims to work closely with its stakeholders to create values and grow together. To be specific, the company is working to gain greater trust from its shareholders and investors through appropriate disclosure of its non-financial information (e.g. by publicizing its inclusion in the DJSI World and various other SRI indices and sharing its environmental efforts at shareholders’ meetings.) The company also organized an ESG meeting for analysts this year.
3. Applying the results of internal assessment for inclusion in the DJSI World to its CSR activities
For several years, Konica Minolta has been utilizing the results of internal assessment for inclusion in the DJSI World as a means to enhance the level of its CSR activities. In doing so, Konica Minolta aims to better implement the PDCA cycle with a deeper understanding of how the company should cater to the demands of society in each assessment category.
Under the brand proposition “Giving Shape to Ideas,” Konica Minolta is committed to remaining vital to society by driving CSR initiatives in its businesses and contributing to improving social quality through creation of new values.
About DJSI World
The DJSI World is the first global index to track the financial performance of the leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide and is provided by RobecoSAM, the Switzerland-based sustainability investment company, and S&P Dow Jones Indices in the U.S. It assesses corporate sustainability from economic, environmental and social developments. The index is highly recognized among global institutional investors who take a close look at CSR management and sustainability. In the annual review of the world’s 2,500 companies, 316 companies have been listed on the DJSI World and, within the list, 26 are Japanese companies including Konica Minolta.
Reference: External assessment
In addition to the DJSI World and the DJSI Asia Pacific, Konica Minolta has been included in various global SRI indices and obtained high CSR ratings.
FTSE4Good (UK) | SRI index | Included consecutively since 2003 |
MSCI Global SRI (USA) | SRI index | Included consecutively since 2010
(Information about inclusion before 2010 is not available.) |
Morningstar Socially Responsible Investment Index (Japan) | SRI index | Included consecutively since 2003 |
RobecoSAM (Switzerland) | CSR rating | Received Silver Class ranking in January 2016 |
oekom (Germany) | CSR rating | Maintained the highest Prime status since 2011 |
Ethibel (Belgium) | CSR rating | Selected for the investment universe of Ethibel Pioneer and Ethibel Excellence in February 2016 |
CDP (UK) | Environmental rating | Included in the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI) consecutively since 2013 |
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