Go Green
For every 100 sheets printed on Konica Minolta MFDs in duplex mode, you can reduce annual C02 emission by 17.4kg as our products cut down Co2 emission at each stage of their life cycle... Let's join hands to preserve our mother Earth while we save money...
Security IT
Corporate documents are often confidential and sensitive. Konica Minolta offers you added advantage to secure your documentations with enhance security components like HDD Encryption, Biometric Authentication, Encryted PDF, Secure Printing and Access Management which gives you an extra peace of mind while printing your confidential material...
Be Productive
Implement Konica Minolta Document Solutions that allows you to file, index, search and retrieve at a click and increase productive man-hours...
Save Money
Konica Minolta product, solutions and service capabilities can reduce your printing cost by 10-30% Approx. and can help you to save 1-3% of your company's annual revenue...
SME Engagement Event Pictures
SME Engagement Events
Emerging Business Forum