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Print Management

Eliminate print waste and reduce costs with print management, solutions, to monitor and control your document output behaviour.

Print Management

Optimise IT Infrastructure

Solutions we offer

Cost management

A range of tailored solutions to help you reduce your paper costs.

Cost recovery

A comprehensive cost-recovery solution to ensure customer can recoup client-billable expenses such as printing and scanning costs.

Pay for print

With web-based administration tracking tools our cutting-edge 'pay for print' solutions are designed to help you reduce your capital expenditure and ongoing running costs.

Variable data printing (VDP)

Customise forms, letters, direct mail, sales flyers, invoices, statements and other customer relationship management materials with a professional and consistent graphic feel.

Konica Minolta Mobile Print App

Browse, read and order prints of your documents, emails and photos.

Mobile printing

Have the freedom to print documents from the palm of your hand.

Challenges we solve

Rising costs

Declining budgets, economic environment and strong competition creates high pressure to control costs in every company and institution.

Increased security threats

Multiple devices connected to enterprise networks, public clouds and hybrid cloud services need a tight security mechanism.

Challenge of IT support

Maintaining support for infrastructure takes IT resources away from more mission-critical work.

Inefficient workflows

Inconvenience of printers that are busy or out of service has an impact on the employee productivity.

Environmental impact of printing

Inconvenience of printers that are busy or out of service has an impact on the employee productivity.